
If you are enjoying the AngelCam, we would appreciate your support to help us continue to bring you this service. Please consider becoming a member of the Angel Island Association. THANKS!

DSL service seems to have stabilized. If the timestamp on the photo is not current, this means the lines are acting up again. We appreciate your patience while the problem is being worked on.

During daylight hours (currently 6:45 am to 7:30 pm PDT) each day, a new photo is uploaded every 30 seconds from the second floor of the Angel Island Visitors Center in Ayala Cove. The web page automatically refreshes and displays a new photo when one is available during these hours. We welcome input if you observe problems with the camera.

Please note that the island DSL connection is not 100% reliable. When our DSL is down, we cannot load new photos. If you have notified us of a problem and it has still not been solved, the likelihood is that we are doing all we can under the circumstances. Thank you for your patience.